If you are requesting a quote please copy and pate this filled out and text it to our driver
Airport | Local trips | Wine tours |
First and last name:
Exact date nad time of departure: contact number: flight number and who you are flying with: Pick up can drop off locations: Wait for baggage Y/N: |
First and last name:
Exact date nad time of ride: contact number: Pick up can drop off locations: Number of passangers: |
First and last name:
Exact date and time of departure: contact number: wineries you wish to visit: Pick up can drop off locations: Number of passangers: |
Some general rates for rides
Service | Price | Range |
Wine Tours | $65 $75 |
Sunday-Wednesday. Thursdsy-Saturday. |
Fair | $4 $15 |
per mile. minimum |
Wait Times | $5 $20 |
per stop. for a 20 minute wait or longer. |
Minimun | $10 $5 |
For a minimum ride Added for after hours. |
Air port free | $10 | One time fee added to any airport pick up or drop off. |